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It’s more than just networking!

We create joyful & memorable experiences for Gen Z creators, entrepreneurs & business professionals.

We're committed to creating a welcoming space where everyone feels valued and supported

Being Happier Than When You Came In

Whether it's creating new traditions, trying new experiences, or just meeting new people, we're all about living life to the fullest.

Making New Memories

You're not leaving our events without:

We believe that everyone deserves to feel connected and make new friendships that last a lifetime. Here you can get to know other like-minded individuals and experience the joy of forming new connections.

Meeting New People

IRL experiences that are meant to help Gen Z unplug and have fun while building community!

Now, if you miss the next event it's not because we didn't tell you  👀

Here's the Tea

Business is way too stressful - ain’t nobody got time for that

It gets lonely sometimes and we need to bffr with ourselves and admit it

And lowkey, we just want to party & have fun - it doesn’t have to be suits all the time

It’s time to address the disconnect
between Gen Z & the Corporate world!​

Humanova is all about reinventing the traditional corporate environment.

We’re working to live and not living to work!

Listen! The corporate world is not for the weak! We see you trying to make it work every single day, and we couldn’t exclude you! You’re a resilient mf, and that’s the truth. Unwind with us; you probably need it the most.

A Corporate Baddie

We don’t care on what platform you create as long as you are creating. If you’re participating in the creator economy, you’ve realized there is more than just the 9-5. 50% of Gen Z are ditching the corporate world to go full-time into creating content. Shoot, we want you at our parties; you’re literally the coolest person we know!

A Creator

It takes guts to start a business at a young age! Like, think about it. You’re literally letting go of what they’ve taught you, of “stability,” and choosing to destine your own future! You’re a special type of person, and you deserve to have fun and unplug when you’re not pitching to investors or worrying about profit margins.

An Entrepreneur

Humanova is for you if you are...

Why are Our Events the Best in the Game?


Happiness Science

We mix dopamine + oxytocin + serotonin + and endorphin together to make sure you leave with a smile.


Memory Creation

The truth is your first kiss is more memorable than your second. We try our best to keep you on your toes with each event.



We implement elements in our experiences so that even if you’re the shyest person on earth, you still walk out with a new connection.



We don’t just let anybody in in our events! We manually vet each attendee to make sure the vibe is always right!

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